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Utvecklare: Dheeraj Chugh

Are you a parent and want to make sure that you know your child’s performance at school? Or maybe you are representing an education center and want to offer parents and children alike all the information they need about daily activities, circulars, events, transportation and fees? iUnnati is here to bring you all of that and so much more in a very comprehensive package.

Why iUnnati?

The iUnnati doesn’t require any hardware installation. Everything is handled via software, and you get to have immediate control over everything. There’s no need for Capex Investments either, instead iUnnati offers seamless communication between an educational center/school and its students. The one click solution is professional, reliable and it delivers exactly the features that you need the most in a very comprehensive manner.

iUnnati doesn’t require any investments, as the app is free to schools and students.

Key features of this tool /app are:-

•Manage student attendance and let the parents know

The attendance system allows parents to track student attendance and inform the parents as quickly as possible. This way a parent knows if his/her child is not attending a class. The previous attendance records can be tracked too.

•Share homework as a text, recorded videos or audio:

You can send homework as a picture of the board, as a video/recorded message or as a text. The parents will also be notified that the homework was sent by teachers, which makes the process very convenient. The reason why this system works really well is because there’s no need for writing student diaries. Everything is handled digitally, and the parents will be notified when the assignment is posted. This helps save a lot of time, and students can be proactive too.

•Transport management

The transport feature enables you to see all the bus routes that take kids to school. You will see the exact time when a bus will arrive at a certain bus stop and even the drop time. There’s also driver information, bus coordinator and vehicle details. All of this is designed to helps students stay safe.

• Bus Tracking

What makes the bus tracking system stand out is the fact that it’s all about child safety. Simply put, the bus tracking service allows you to access a map where you can see the child’s bus location in real time. Being able to see the real time location of the bus allows you to have a peace of mind and it brings in front some unique results at all times.
And there’s no need for any GPS device added to the bus or anything like that. As long as the bus driver has phone.

• Online Notice board- Access important notifications shared online

There are many times when an educational institution needs to communicate with students and their parents. The notice board is the perfect place for that. It allows you to post all important information or notices online. In addition, each one of the notices is also shared in the form of a mobile notification.

•Gallery -share precious moment through images, video and you tube channel.

The gallery option allows every institution to share images, videos and even the YouTube channel content. It’s one of the best ways to share precious moments that the institution experienced in the past few years.

•Online Timetable - Parent are always updated with the current timetable.

It can be very hard for a parent to track his child’s timetable. But iUnnati allows you to get access to your child’s digital timetable in no time.

•Share all holidays, exams and date

iUnnati does a very good job at sharing all the holidays, exams or any special event dates via the integrated calendar. The app is particularly designed to bring in front a way for students to share their schedule for holidays, academics, exam activity and so on. You can easily access all information from mobile and stay on sync no matter what happens.